5 Ideas For Starting A Non-Profit Organization (NGO/CBO) In Zimbabwe

5 Ideas For Starting A Non-Profit Organization (NGO/CBO) In Zimbabwe

In the face of a crumbling economy, Non-governmental and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) help avoid a total collapse of the social fabric that holds a nation together. Normally, NGOs/CBOs do not have a single specific owner as would be the case with a for-profit organisation. The work they do is far reaching in terms of social impact and helping the vulnerable cope up. These organisations subsidise their activities through donor funding. There is an endless list of donors who are willing to fund projects that  benefit low income/vulnerable communities. Have you been thinking of starting a non-profit organisation? In this article we share 5 basic ideas to get you started.

1.      Have A Clear Plan To Start With

A lot has been said about starting a community based organisation. We also add to that conversation by pointing out that the very process of starting up is somewhat similar to starting any kind of business. At the very core of these entities, NGOs and CBOs need to be sustainable, they need clear objectives and most importantly a clear and concise value proposition. As is the case with any business enterprise, the creation and delivery of value to the target audience should always be elaborately captured in a business plan. So, plan accordingly.

We understand that coming up with a business plan for your CBO/NGO might seem like a daunting task especially if you are not sure of what to focus on. In this article we attempt to share business ideas which may be valuable to anyone who desires to start a CBO/NGO alike. We recommend that you use these ideas to complement your initial startup plan or better still use them to carve out your organisational objectives.

2.      Offer Stress Management Courses

As a startup NGO operating in Zimbabwe, you can offer value to your community by simply designing stress management courses. This follows the ongoing wave of suicides, substance abuse and domestic violence reports in most communities. Broadly speaking, this points at the fact that many are failing to handle their stress temperaments and can use a little charitable help to deal with their situations. To this effect, you can come up with an NGO value proposition whose business model is centered on the design and delivery of stress management courses. For sustainability purposes you can offer your value as instruction guides which you can sell to other organizations. There is also an opportunity to offer certified programs which would complement much of the free work you give out.

3.      Raise Awareness Against Popular Vices

Virtually every community in Zimbabwe is currently facing a number of vices which can be partly addressed if more CBOs take center stage. Cases of child abuse, child labour, violence and substance abuse are on the rise and the same is true for the number of those who are victims of such. Campaignig against any of these social vices presents an opportunity for CBOs to take a multifaceted approach to social work. With a closer analyses you will realise that on one end there are perpetrators of these vices and on the other end is a group victims that need to be attended to. So, why don`t you start thinking about various ways in which you can start a CBO that deals with any of the social ills for the good of humanity.

4.      Start An Alcohol-Free Association

 Imagine starting an outlet similar to a nightclub but different in that it strictly never serves alcoholic drinks. Its purely designed for people to come and socialize without being intoxicated. This is something exactly opposite to a liquor store and you can go an extra mile to make it more family friendly. With such a club you can incorporate personalized services to promote healthy living to recovering alcoholics. This business idea presents a relatively low cost and high impact project especially in a society where there are more individuals battling alcohol and/or substance related addictions.

5.      Start A Profession Based Organisation

There are a number of industries that can really benefit from a well established CBO that seeks to address a value chain challenge. With respect to the energy industry, there is need to have more organisations raising awareness towards the impending shift towards clean energy. Solar technicians can form such organisations and offer free technical services to their respective communities. Communities in Zimbabwe need to be informed about safe usage of LP Gas or even venturing into bio-gas production as power cuts are increasing. This is an opportunity for those interested in environmental safety and clean energy. In essence, Zimbabwe needs more noble initiatives such as Lawyers For Human Rights or the Doctors Without Borders.

There you go, if you have been thinking of start a non-profit organisation, why don’t you consider any of the 5 ideas above. If you have any special skills, put them to good use for the benefit of your community.

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