Zimbabwe’s economy is synonymous with hyper inflationary pressures witnessed from 1998 to 2008. As of July 2008, inflation rate stood at 500 billion % and
Category: Equities & Investing
Common Drivers Of Investment Decisions On The ZSE
Investing on the stock market is associated with terms such as a ‘Bullish’ and ‘Bearish’ market. These describe how a market is performing at that given period. A bull run defines a market with prices on an upward trend.
5 Reasons For Share Price Movement On The Stock Market?
The price at which they buy these shares is determined by market forces and other macro and microeconomic fundamentals.
An Introduction To The Zimbabwe Capital Market
Trading is conducted on an automated trading system offering direct access to Equity, Debt, Depository Receipts, Unit Trusts, Exchange Traded Funds and Real Estate investment trusts.