Download A Free Balance Sheet

Download A Free Balance Sheet

What Is A Balance Sheet

A Balance Sheet is an important business tool which assists entrepreneurs to understand their company’s financial position and overall value. A balance sheet makes it easy to compare your business` assets and liabilities. An ideal business situation is when assets are far greater than liabilities. In some instances, liabilities may be greater than assets and this resembles a weak financial position for the respective company. With such tools business owners are well equipped to make informed decisions relating to their organization’s strengths and weaknesses. For easy usage of this balance statement, herein contains guidelines on how you can make the most out of this template. We wish all the best in your business.

Using A Balance Sheet In Startup Businesses

For most aspiring business owners, coming up with a balance statement when writing a business plan might sound like a daunting task. They often find it difficult to make business assumptions before hand but you should not worry, we’ve got you covered. Download our free balance sheet and use it to compile your respective business data. As you complete this balance sheete statement you paint a financial picture of where your business stands in that given time. In business planning and strategy design, this tool makes it easy for you to identify areas that need adjustments and optimisation between your assets and liabilities.

Just One Step Closer

Having a business plan is no guarantee of success in business. This business blue print is a map for use as you navigate the business terrain. As a start-up business owner, you need to understand that a lot of other factors will influence your success in business. Having business resource tools such as our free balance sheet statement will assist you to capture and manage business’ financial data. This improves how you understand your business’s financial performance. It is our hope that the information users get from this tool is useful in informing business decisions. Accordingly, business decisions should also be influenced but what takes place on the ground.

Download The Free Balance Sheet Template

Get our free balance sheet statement suitable for small businesses in Zimbabwe. We encourage farmers to download the template for free and start using it today for improved management of their business finance. The statement comes with instructions on how to use and fill in the respective business data.


Get Pre-Designed Automated Financial Statements

You can also get a pre-designed financial statement for your business for just ZWL$7000 payable via Ecocash. Our financial statement is automated and contains the following sections:

  • Start-up Costs,
  • Monthly Cash Flow Statement,
  • Annual Income Statement,
  • Annual Balance Sheet

For assistance with business plan/project proposal writing and financial statements contact us today via email: [email protected], Call/WhatsApp: +263782594434. WhatsApp Link: [mobile devices only] Scan our QR Code

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